Logos Server

Logos Server

Logos Server is a sophisticated UNIX application which quickly translates English or German technical documents into multiple languages. Due to its semantic intelligence and neural net technology, Logos Server software is able to produce very high quality draft translations. The Logos Server is part of a complete solution including dictionaries and semantic rulebases which are fully customizable.

Reduce Time to Market with Logos Server

By incorporating the sophisticated translation power of Logos Server within your translation process, your company can produce more foreign language documents, more quickly at a lower cost. Logos Server software provides high quality automatic translation while maintaining terminological consistency and document format integrity. Logos Server, along with powerful tools within the Logos Intelligent Translation System, helps you reduce project turnaround time and get your product to market more quickly.

Produce High Quality Translations

The technical depth of Logos Server is one of its greatest strengths. More than just mere machine translation, Logos Server is actually able to deduce subtle contextual differences in language so that it may choose the proper word meaning in the foreign language. Entire sentences are translated taking into account morphology, parts of speech, syntax and semantics. The result is a complete and idiomatically correct translation of your technical text. High quality draft translations are quickly produced and may be post-edited and refined to meet your own specific requirements.

How Does Logos Server Work?

Documents are submitted to Logos Server either across a LAN or remotely by modem. Logos Server automatically translates by applying multiple levels of user-customizable dictionaries and a rich semantic database. Once Logos Server has completed the translation, the document may then be opened in your favorite word processor for final edit. Document formatting and layout is maintained in your translated document.

Easily Submit Documents

You have several choices of easy access to Logos Server software. From LogosClient for LAN, you can guide the automatic translation process on Logos Server by applying prioritized hierarchies of Company and Subject Matter Codes, importing and applying your own pre-existing glossaries, applying your own User Dictionaries (created using Alex for Windows), and interfacing with other powerful Logos tools. From your PC, you can have the same powerful access by modem with LogosClient Remote. Logos gives you choices, we work where you work.

Use Logos Tools to Customize Your Work

One of the most powerful and distinguishing features of the Logos system is that dictionaries and semantic databases are fully customizable. Two supporting products called Alex (a tool for customizing dictionaries) and Semantha (an interactive program for manipulating semantic rules) allow you to specify the exact meaning of the term or phrase to be translated. Multiple Subject Matter Codes can be assigned to words or phrases with Alex. Semantha puts you in control by allowing you to define context-sensitive rules for words or terms in the dictionary. With these tools, you will be able to obtain the highest quality translation output possible.

Easily Import Your Glossaries

Logos Server accepts your bilingual glossaries and allows you to use them during the translation process. This means that right from the start, your company's terminology will show up in translations. These glossaries can then be expanded to include Company and Subject Matter Codes, parts of speech, word gender, word number, and other grammatical features.

Optional Sentence Memory Saves Rework

By using optional Sentence Memory tools, such as Optimizer for Logos and XL8 for Logos, you can save your current translations for incorporation and re-use in all future documents. Using these tools, you can pre-translate documents and the system will recognize and incorporate previous related work, saving you a significant amount of time.

Logos Server is Ideal for Volume

Logos Server is an extremely powerful workhorse that is ideally suited to handle large quantities of technical text. Due to its high degree of sophistication, Logos Server is your ideal choice for technical documentation, User Guides, and Safety Manuals.

Seven Language Pairs Give You Choices

ENGLISH TO French Italian German Spanish

GERMAN TO English French Italian

Software support

The following software packages or file formats are currently supported in their English and German versions:

Under UNIX:

Interleaf 5.3, 6.0
FrameMaker (MIF 3.0, 4.0) 3.1, 4.0, 5.0
Arbortext Publisher (SGML ISO 8879)
Softquad (SGML ISO 8879)

Under Microsoft Windows:

Interleaf 6.0
FrameMaker 3.1, 4.0, 5.0
Word for Windows 2.0, 6.0
Word for Windows 95x 7.0
Word Pro (AmiPro 3.1)
WordPerfect 5.2, 6.0
XL8 for Logos 1.7
Optimizer for Logos 2.1

Structure and Size of Logos Dictionaries

Number of Basic Entries

Dictionary Selection

The Logos Family of Translation Products:

Logos Server
LogosClient for LAN
LogosClient Remote
Alex for Windows

System Configuration


Workstation or Server (mandatory)
System: Sun SPARCstation
Processor: SPARC, (All models)
Main memory: minimum of 32 MB RAM
Free disk storage:
-190 MB for English source language
-240 MB for German source language
-330 MB for both source languages
-depending on the translation volume: further 200 MB necessary


Sun OS 4.1.3 with System V extension or Solaris 2.3
OpenWindows 3.0 or OSF/Motif

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